I know you are already a Java programmer and you might think– ‘I already know about Java selection constructs. I have been using it since long.’ But still, I would suggest you to go through these points before you plan to give your OCA Java certification exam. After preparing on these points, you will be […]
Introduction : Java 8 introduced the concept of Lambda expressions which enables you to implement functional-style programming in Java. Functional programming allows you to focus on ‘what to do’, rather than ‘how to do it’. It allows you to pass in code blocks as a method argument, instead of simply passing the data. This can […]
In continuation of this post covering the temporal classes – LocalDate, LocalTime and LocalDateTime, today we’ll be covering the Period class which is also on the OCA Java 8 Exam. Creating Period instances : Period class also belongs to java.time package. It represents a date-based amount of time in terms of years, months, and days […]
Below are the temporal classes that you are expected to know for your OCA Java 8 Certification Exam : java.time package : LocalDate : This class represents a date only in terms of date – based values(year, month, day). Time-zones aren’t handled. LocalTime : LocalTime represents only the time value(hours, minutes, seconds, nanoseconds ) within […]
Java Collection framework provides an ArrayList class in package java.util which is used to hold a collection of objects. It implements the List interface(List extends Collection interface).The benefit of using ArrayList over Array is that you do not need to know the size of ArrayList<E> while creating it. It could be thought of as a […]
An array in Java is itself an ‘Object’ which is used to store collection of values. You can choose to store a collection of primitives or a collection of objects in an array. When storing primitives, the actual values are stored whereas when storing the objects, array elements hold the references to those objects. A […]
StringBuilder & StringBuffer are the mutable classes available in java.lang package. They can be thought of an alternative to String when we need to perform a lot of modifications to a String value. Both these classes support same set of operations but unlike StringBuilder ,the StringBuffer class is thread-safe i.e the operations performed by different […]
Believe me, Strings is one of the core topics in Core Java as well as for OCA Java Certification exam.If you prepare this topic well, it gives you an extra edge to score a lot better at your Oracle Associate exam. In this post, we’ll try to cover all you need to know about Strings […]
This is Blog Post – 2 in this series of OCA Java Refresher .Today, the topic is ‘Java Data Types’ and we’ll be covering all the points that are must for you to know when appearing for your OCA exam .Going through this will help you revise the must-know points very quickly and wait don’t […]
Before we start with this series, please note that in this series of blog posts for OCA 8 preparation, I will be listing only those points which are important from the exam perspective .It will serve as a quick refresher before your exams and will help you score better . For how to prepare for […]