Spring @RequestParam annotation can be used to extract the query parameters in a handler method. In this quick tutorial, we’ll learn its usage.
Let’s first expose an API which returns a list of users with a given first name and age:
@RestController public class UserController { ... @GetMapping("/users") public List<User> getUsers(@RequestParam String firstName, @RequestParam int age) { return userService.findUsersWith(firstName, age); } }
And now, let’s use cURL to quickly test this out:
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:8080/users?firstName=John&age=15' ... [{firstName = John ,lastName = Mason ,age = 15} , {firstName = John ,lastName = Dash ,age = 15}]
As we can see, the firstName and age are the query parameters that got correctly mapped to our handler method.
The @RequestParam annotation supports the usage of several attributes to cater to various common needs:
In the example we just covered, we’ll notice that the names of the method argument and query parameter were the same (firstName and age).
However, at times, we might feel the need to have different names. For that, we’ll use its name or value attribute:
@GetMapping("/users") public List<User> getUsers(@RequestParam(name="uName") String firstName , @RequestParam("uAge") int age) { return userService.findUsersWith(firstName, age); }
With this, the uName and uAge parameters will map to the firstName and age method arguments respectively:
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:8080/users?uName=John&uAge=15'
By default, if we define a request parameter and don’t pass it in the user request, we’ll get an error.
To avoid that, we can set the required to false:
@GetMapping("/users") public List<User> getUsers(@RequestParam(required=false) String firstName , @RequestParam int age) { return userService.findUsersWith(firstName, age); }
It’ll assign data type defaults to all optional parameters. When we hit below URL:
the firstName will get mapped to a null value.
If we want to set the required to false and also map a default value to the concerned attribute, we’ll have:
@GetMapping("/users") public List<User> getUsers(@RequestParam(defaultValue="John") String firstName, @RequestParam int age) { return userService.findUsersWith(firstName, age); }
Here, if we don’t pass the firstName query parameter, it’ll assume it to be ‘John’.
We can accept a list of query parameters in a Java List:
@GetMapping("/users/v2") public List<User> getUsersWithGivenAges(@RequestParam List<Integer> age) { return userService.findUsersWithAges(age); }
To use our new users API, we’ll have something as:
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:8080/users/v2?age=10,15,20' Or curl -XGET 'http://localhost:8080/users/v2?age=10&age=15&age=20'
To retrieve all passed query parameters from a user request, we’ll accept them as a Java Map:
@GetMapping("/paramsEx") public Map<String, String> printParams(@RequestParam Map<String, String> allQueryParams) { System.out.println(allQueryParams); return allQueryParams; }
This comes handy when we want to retrieve all parameters without knowing their names:
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:8080/paramsEx?param1=A¶m2=B¶m3=2' ... {param1=A, param2=B, param3=2}
In this tutorial, we learned how to work with @RequestParam annotation in a Spring application.